Friday, April 15, 2011

In The Light of the Moon... A Little Egg Lay on a Leaf...

We thoroughly enjoyed the dvd of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" today, and then followed it by listening to the story on a CD read by Eric Carle himself.
We enjoyed his accent as much as the story!
We then decorated a themed flag to go home with a leaf with a little Easter Egg on it.
We shall eat them "in the light of the moon!"
By Room 7.

Last Day of Swimming for the Year.

Swimming has been ongoing since November last year.
What a fabulous stretch we have had.
I am pleased to say that in Room 7, I have not had a single note from a single parent excusing their child from swimming! Remembering that these children are only aged 5.
These photos speak for themselves the advantages gained by the students; many of whom did not like to get their faces wet earlier this year!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Stuffed Easter Eggs

Room 7 had a lovely time making hanging stuffed Easter Eggs. We did a design with pencil, followed by permanent marker, colourful pastels and then dye. They are hanging up in the class and we welcome people to come and check them out.
As you can see last year's addition of classroom double doors and outside sink are a great asset.