Friday, December 17, 2010

School's Out.

The bell has just gone...
The children have gone...
The class is empty...

Roll on 2011...

From Mrs Johnson

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Beach Clean Up = a great way to finish the year.

Our whole school beach clean up day was a wonderful success. Thankfully, it was not too hot for the walk down to Eastern Beach. Room 6 picked up some interesting pieces of flotsam and jetsam: an old sports shoe, a hair brush and an earring! We took a well-deserved break for lunch in the park and then built a sandcastle together. To our great surprise, Santa arrived at the beach with a BIG bag of candy canes. What a treat.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Room 6 moved into the new classroom Room 17 . We had a great time exploring the new space and felt really special to have been the first group of children to call it our classroom.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tabloid Sports

Tabloids on a Friday is always a great event in the Junior School. We invited the parents to come along and observe as the children moved through the various activities with their group leaders under the watchful eyes of the teachers. Great fun was had by all. An added highlight was a cool cup of Milo supplies by the Milo bus.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fishing Rod Winner;

Bailey was so excited when his name was pulled out of the box by Mrs Bodley. After assembly he went immediately to phone his Mum the great news.
Bailey had entered a school-wide competition to win a fishing rod.
"The Minstrel" came to the school last term and entertained everyone with fishing songs, stories and dances. He left behind a lot of inspired children and the rod to be won.
Stories about fishing were written by most students and a committee of adults decided which top stories would go in the box.

Everyone cheered so loudly for you, Bailey, and we felt so pleased for you.
Here's hoping you have many hours of fishing fun with your friends and family.
Well done, Bailey.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Walk to School Bus

Lots of us walk to school with "Walking Bus" leaders who are parent members of the school. We enjoy chatting as we walk. We got pencil cases and things to go in them in assembly. There were lots of children who got to go up on stage and get one.

Summer Festival

On Thursday 11th of November, 2010, performers representing the Kapa Haka Group, Dance Group, Choir and Jump Jam Groups went down to Westfield Pakuranga to perform with other local schools as part of the Summer Festival celebrations.

The Jump Jam Group performed a medley of their routines including:

  • You Can’t Stop theBeat
  • Boogie Wonderland
  • Funky Town
  • Nicest Kids in Town

The Junior Dance Group performed 'I Just Want to be King' and the Senior Dance Group performed 'Time After Time'.

The 'Born to Sing' Choir Group sang several festive Christmas carols.

We appreciate all the parents and families who came to support their children. A big thank you to Mrs. Todd for organising the groups to go.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Room 6 did three little
dances to the song Old MacDonald.
We were recorded and filmed
on Tuesday. We are looking
forward to seeing our DVD.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Room 7 enjoyed Mufti Day

The Butterfly and Panda Reading Groups are settling back into class after the morning tea break. The Pandas are brand new to school and already love the lifestyle.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

International Day

On Friday the 15th of October, Bucklands Beach Primary School celebrated the cultural diversity of our school with an International Day.

Part of our International Day celebration we were very privileged to have the Macleans College Korean Drum Group perform for us at our school assembly.

Children dressed up in clothes that represented the country they came from or countries that they identified with.

As you can see from the photos we have a diverse and vibrant school community!

Room 5 investigate Kiwis

Room 5 are working as a team to investigate the characteristics of kiwis. When we have shared what we have found we will paint kiwis for our calendar art ensuring we include all the special characteristics.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Junior Jump Jam

The Junior School has been rocking along this term with great enthusiasm to our new Jump Jam routines as you can see by these photos.

Along with these new Jump Jam routines we have also been learning Heart Jam in support of Kiwi kids with heart conditions. On Friday 28th May we used our newly learnt Heart Jam moves and participated in New Zealand's largest aerobics class.

Our Year 2 Jump Jam leaders have been doing a fantastic job up in front of the Junior School each Tuesday and Thursday morning.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jiggles the Clown visits us.

On Friday the 14th of May, we had a visit from Jiggles the Clown. He was our school’s prize for winning the Bikewise Day earlier in the year. Out of many schools, we had the most percentage of children in the school ride bikes at our bike day – 87%.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it and it gave us a lot to talk about and write about back in class.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Chess Olympiad people

On Friday 5th of March we had a visit from a couple of people who had competed in the Dresden Chess Olympiad Competitions.
They showed us the basics of the game and then we had a turn setting out chess boards and practising the moves that each piece is allowed to do.

The lady, called Helen, learned Chess from her grandmother at age 3 and was winning lots of games by age 5!!

Splish Splash Day

All junior students took part in the yearly and much anticipated Splish Splash Day.
A variety of fun and challenging pool activities are followed by slippery slides, moonhoppers and water sprinkler fun.
It was a chance for parents, grandparents and other interested people to see the confidence and skill levels of the students in the pool.