Friday, December 17, 2010

School's Out.

The bell has just gone...
The children have gone...
The class is empty...

Roll on 2011...

From Mrs Johnson

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Beach Clean Up = a great way to finish the year.

Our whole school beach clean up day was a wonderful success. Thankfully, it was not too hot for the walk down to Eastern Beach. Room 6 picked up some interesting pieces of flotsam and jetsam: an old sports shoe, a hair brush and an earring! We took a well-deserved break for lunch in the park and then built a sandcastle together. To our great surprise, Santa arrived at the beach with a BIG bag of candy canes. What a treat.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Room 6 moved into the new classroom Room 17 . We had a great time exploring the new space and felt really special to have been the first group of children to call it our classroom.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tabloid Sports

Tabloids on a Friday is always a great event in the Junior School. We invited the parents to come along and observe as the children moved through the various activities with their group leaders under the watchful eyes of the teachers. Great fun was had by all. An added highlight was a cool cup of Milo supplies by the Milo bus.