Friday, May 30, 2008

Room 11

Recently the children in Room 11 have been looking at the food chain in the sea.
We made a 'food chain' dance showing how the different creatures feed off each other. We are worried about the amount of pollution in the sea which will change how the food chain works.

In the ocean the food chain is balanced so that there is enough food for all the different kinds of fish and animals to eat. When humans catch too many fish and pollute the water with their rubbish the food chain becomes unbalanced and life in the sea begins to die. By Riana

Killer whale EATS porpoise EATS cod EATS herring EATS zoo-plankton EATS phyto-plankton

By Room 11 Year 2

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rock pools in Room 13

In Term2 Room13 carries on their Rock Pools study. They made rock pools in the class using newspaper and flour. The construction of these rock pools is similar to what they have seen on their beach trips. As part of this hands-on activity, they are also practising to write acrostic poems about "crabs". Here is some of their work.


Crawling and carrying rocks

Rock pools are where they live

Are they animals with antennae

Beach is where they walk on

Silently swimming in salty water

By Alisha

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Room 8 Rockets

In room 8 we have been looking at the letter 'Rr' and we are enjoying meeting our new classmates.

What do we want to be

In room 7 we read a story together called..."When I grow up". As a class we discussed jobs that we could do when we grow up. Some of our ideas are displayed below.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Room 14's fish tiles

Room 14 are studying Marine Reserves. We made clay fish tiles.

We looked at the different shapes and patterns on fish.

We rolled the clay so that it was even in thickness.

Next we drew the outline of our fish.

We cut around the outline.

We used wire netting, material and pinecones to make the patterns on the fish.

We are leaving our fish to dry for two weeks and then we will fire them in the kiln.

We plan to use glaze our fish.

This means that we will again fire the tiles.

Please return to see our finished tiles.