Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We are learning to find the letters on the keyboard of the laptops. We can type our names and we have been writing sentences with our buddies. Some of us are getting quite good at making capital letters and full stops too. We wear our computer safety lanyards. One day we will be able to publish our writing on the laptops.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Visit from Cookie and Gizmo

On Friday afternoon I had my doggies visit Room 7 and Room 8. It was a nice follow-up to the Animal Management Study a week or so ago. As you can see the visit was a great success... and i apologise in advance to those parents who now have children nagging for a puppy!! From Mrs Johnson.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Animal Management

We had a visit from Animal Management who taught us how to treat dogs nicely and how to be safe around dogs.
We learnt to stand still and keep a close eye on dogs we don't know.
We know to ask the owner before we go up to, or touch any dog.

Symmetry and Flowers

Room 7 have been learning about symmetry and reflection.
We cut snowflake shapes and used mirror to check the reflection for symmetry.
Then... Last weekend, Jasmine went to the Howick Historical Village 'Old Fashioned Day' and learned to use doilies to make little flower posies.
She realised that our snowflakes would do the same job so she taught everyone how to make a posy for our Mums. Well done, Jasmine.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Room 8 learning about SHAPE.

Our Maths strand is about SHAPE. We have been discovering the names of the different shapes and learnt that the number of points that each shape has can help us to remember what their names are.

We built things out of the giant leggo block at lunch time.

Tomoko came to our class to show us how to fold paper into shape that can be made into other shapes. This is called origami.

We had great fun! Thank you Tomoko!